Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vo2 Max, RMR, Body Fat %

So I bit the bullet and while I was visiting my Mom and family in the big city I got my Vo2 Max tested as well at RMR (resting metabolism rate) and my body fat percentage done.
The Vo2 Max gives me personalized training zones for aerobic and anaerobic zones. For my aerobic I train 140-156 bpm (beats per minute). They also gave me the speeds on the treadmill to exercise at to achieve this. My anaerobic zone is 170 to 183 (183 being my maximum heart rate). I love it. It gives me much better direction to train at and I feel like I'm training with a purpose rather than just doing what ever. I also got an estimated Vo2max as I did not reach it. The test is performed with a scuba type mouth piece and your nose pinched off so you have to breath through your mouth and thru a tube that has a one way check valve. So when you are running really hard that very small delay in the valve made me closaphobic (SP?) a bit and I just found it really hard/ strange to breath thru this scuba type mouth piece. So needless to say I finished kinda abruptly and didn't do as well as I had hoped. I finished at 8min 30 sec. with a Vo2max estimated at 28. something. I think that falls in to the poor rating. but what ever, mostly did the test to get me heart rate zones! I'll do better next time!

Next was the RMR, this test told me exactly how many calories my body burns at rest, 1600. Instead of using the Internet to estimate it according to my height and weight (which ranged from 1780 to 1850) this test told me exactly what mine is. So I take my rate, 1600 and multiply by my activity level and then minus 500 calories for weight loss. So I am now aiming to eat between 1700-1800 calories a day.

Finally was the body fat percentage. Mine is 28% the range for women is 20% to 33% so I am happy where I fall (better than BMI which tells me I'm still obese at 30points). The test was taken over 17 sites and compiled over 10 of them. My lean body mass (everything except fat) was 162lbs and that means I have about 58lbs of fat on me. I have a goal of about 20% body fat which is aprox. 195lbs if I don't loose any lean mass. So that made me VERY HAPPY as I originally though I needed to get down to 170ish but that is impossible with a lean body mass of 162 lbs. So I only have about 25lbs left to go!!!


Colette said...

219.6 yesterday morning!!! yeah!! How are you doing? Did you see the cruise pics?

Colette said...

I have hit my "50 POUND" mark oh about 10 times!! LOL.. trust me its not as exciting when you do it for the 10 th time!! LOL...
Your doing great Lara!! Hey did you know Stephanie (aka Where the hell is Barbie?" is going to have another baby around Thanksgiving? It's GIRL too!!! She is on Facebook and I added her as one of my friends!!
Do you have Facebook? If so look me up... I am listed as "Colette Damphousse DeVillier"
Yes, Counting calories is working for me too. If I could just stay out of the Chinese buffett! But I am proud to say I went today for lunch and was SUPER good!! yeah me!!